Pomegranates originated in the region extending from modern Iran to northern India. It has been cultivated throughout the Mediterranean since ancient times. It was introduced to the Americas by Spanish men in the late 16th century and to California by Spanish settlers in 1769.
Today, it is widely cultivated in the Middle East and Caucasus region, North and Tropical Africa, South Asia, Central Asia, the driest parts of Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean Basin. It is also cultivated in parts of Arizona and California. It has become more and more common in Europe and the Western Hemisphere in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The plant is highly herbal, and is used as a herb in many ailments. The inhabitants of the South Asian region boil the leaves and bark of the plant, which heals the skin of the body with a speedy cure. Especially in Sri Lanka’s Ayurvedic textbook, this fruit is a divine herb for young children and many older people. It is a precious fruit that can live for another hour or so.
The best quality is pomegranate juice. That makes it possible to get all the nutrients in it.
Using a paring knife, remove the lower part of the pomegranate that looks like a crown.
Mark the pomegranate fruit horizontally. I see that it is sufficient to mark the fruit 4 times, but it can be easily cut by simply scoring it a few more time.
Open the pomegranates into portions.
Fill a large jar with cold water.
Cut the pomegranate bark under the water and separate.
It helps prevent pomegranate seeds from spreading everywhere.
After separating the pomegranate seeds from the pomegranate, drain the bark.
Pour the pomegranate seeds into a blender.
All the pomegranate seeds are crushed, but mix well so that most of the seeds remain. (This usually doesn’t take 15 to 20 seconds.)
Pour the juice through the strainer.
You will notice that the juice moves very slowly through the strainer as the pulp is quite thick.
To speed up the process, use a rubber spatula to tighten the pulp.
That makes the juice flow faster.
Pour the juice into a glass for serving.
You can get 6 large pomegranates, about 4 cups of juice. The remaining juice can be kept in the refrigerator in a jar for 5 to 6 days.
Vitamin C is abundant.
Prevent cancer.
Protects against Alzheimer’s disease.
Makes digestion easier.
It is very good for skin diseases.
Prevents the occurrence of arthritis.
Prevents heart disease.
Blood pressure is not the cause.
Improves sexual function and fertility
Add pomegranates to your diet, as high-value pomegranates meet your daily nutritional needs. Have a healthy life.
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Size (1 cup):
Calories: 136
1g of total fat
Saturated fat: 0.2g
Sodium: 22mg
Cholesterol: 0mg
Total carbohydrate: 33g
Potassium: 533mg
Dietary fiber: 0.2g
Sugar: 31g
0.4g of protein
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